staff development


     These staff trainings are designed to bring about, or strengthen, a Culture of Care inside of a workplace. The workshops focus on personal accountability, inner resilience, and connection, which foster overall happiness and well-being, ultimately impacting worker retention and productivity in and out of the workplace!

  • Topics covered

    • Communication
    • Emotional well-being
    • Accountability/Responsibility
    • Productivity & OutcomesIntention
    • The Ego & the Shadow
    • Relationships
    • Perspective
    • Effective Leadership


    Approx. 20-24 hrs.

    Trainings can take place on-site at a school or business or at our home in Becket, MA. Contact for more information on availability and pricing.

The alchemy
for teachers

Staff Training Professional Development using The Alchemy Wheel curriculum with teachers!

The Alchemy Wheel Staff Training for teachers in Santa Fe, New Mexico

“The most impactful things were
learning about Limiting beliefs,
Shadow traits, and remembering that challenges within relationships
allow us to grow!”

  • “The most beneficial thing to me from this staff training was that I had to face some things that I haven't faced in a while in my personal life. I also found that all of us had some demons to tackle and acknowledge so we could move forward positively and powerfully with our students.”

  • “During this training, I experienced my own resilience,
    strength, compassion, and caring.”

  • “For my classroom, I am practicing more vulnerability, centering myself, and remembering that I need to hold the space of calmness and patience. I’m also feeling more comfortable expressing myself with my Administration and feel more inspired as a teacher.”

  • “ I feel more confident in noticing my students’ possible feelings of anxiousness, sadness, anger and frustration and my ability to help them navigate these at school.”