Shamanic Trainings
Lineages Earth Wisdom School
Evolutionary Shamanic
teachings & trainings
Integrating the Shamanic Medicine Lineages of South & North America
This evolutionary Shamanic training was conceptualized during a special meeting of the hearts between Shamanic practitioners/teachers and co-founders who have 50 years of collective experience, Dr. Peter Bonaker, Greta Hough and Three Trees. Spirit guided the conversation to the clear need for teachings to evolve (as they always do) and to integrate other Medicine lineages. Acknowledging that the energies of the world and ourselves were speeding up and increasingly more intense than the generations before us. This calls for a quantum leap in the ways the ancient and Shamanic wisdoms are taught and shared to those who hear the calling. Understanding many of the Souls on Earth at this time come in with much more “Soul wisdom” and can integrate information and spiritually evolve at a much faster rate. Through Great Spirit’s guidance the foundations of this training magically became manifest- a training course that would integrate the Shamanic Energy medicine and the Earth wisdom teachings of the Peruvian, Native American, and Sound Healing lineages. These would be offered in a way that are accessible, powerful, integrative, heart-centered, deep and expansive. All of this work being presented in a way, which honors in the utmost respected way- the lineages. And we can hear the Ancestors cheering this evolution on!
The other clear guidance that came through was to make this training affordable to the average person or aspiring practitioner- finding a balance to honor both student and teacher. It is our understanding that more of us need to take their “rightful” positions as caretakers of Mother Earth/Pachamama and be more potent participants in our personal and collective healing, and to live in a Sacred manner, harmonious with ALL creation.
This Medicine is a life tool, whether you are an old hand at “Earth dancing” or if you are just beginning to hear the Earth’s song.
All people, whether you are already a practitioner of a healing modality or not, carry their own potent Medicine, embodying the characteristics of a healer and teacher. So, whether you are looking to take your own personal healing practice to the next level or simply interested in acquiring these healing skills for yourself, this retreat can and will be of great benefit to you as we navigate the times ahead!
This is a 2-part course in Shamanic Energy Medicine. Inside each 5 day immersion, you will work to build and complete your own personal medicine bundle, or Mesa, exploring your gifts and learning how to work powerfully with your medicine for healing self and others, and assisting in bringing balance and harmony to the world. This training stands alone in its uniqueness & mastery of working with the intrusive, malevolent, and parasitic energies of our times, addressing these energies with specific protocols (not taught in any other training) to promote healing and lasting health and well-being!
In the Incan tradition, a Mesa is a living bundle or altar consisting of 13 “Kuyas” or medicine stones carrying with them personal and collective healing energy and the full lineage of the Incan healing tradition.
The powerful healing energy and teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel are also integrated and infused into the Kuyas through intention and ceremony. This deepens and expands the accessible wisdom and healing potential, both symbolically and actually, within the mesa. All of this medicine is then activated and fortified through a special Sound Healing ceremony, connecting with the vibration/frequency of Creator/Source, archetypal powers and nature energies that are held within the mesa and its carrier.
Inside this training, you will:
Connect with the integrated Shamanic medicine lineages of South and North America.
Learn about the Sacred Medicine Wheel and its teachings that pertain to the foundations of this training and how to access its powerful energy and guidance.
Explore the importance of our connection to nature and its energies and how they can assist us as we move through the cycles of the year and our lives.
Tap into the archetypal energies and spirits of the South (serpent/coyote), West (jaguar/bear), North (hummingbird/white buffalo) & East (eagle/condor) directions of the Peruvian & Native American Medicine Wheel.
Establish a real connection with the incredible times we are currently experiencing and assisting us to create a “new” lineage of healers, teachers, and lightworkers for our Times.
Engage in fire ceremonies for intention-setting, releasing and manifesting in our lives.
Integrate your own gifts and strengths to build your Mesa, or personal alter, creating Medicine stones, or “Kuyas.”
Use muscle testing to receive the information needed for clarity and healing.
Learn to identify the “dark and intrusive energies of our times” and practice using a specific protocol to address these energies.
PART 1 focus:
Learn and practice the Illumination Process, which is the foundation of healing work, clearing imprints in the luminous energy field.
Incorporate De-coupling as a tool for connecting both the heart with the sacral chakra: technique for disengaging the fight/flight/freeze mechanism in the body (the adrenal system)
Develop various tools and strategies for working with your Mesa, or Medicine bundle.
Create your own personal Sacred space which creates a container for healing work.
Practice the releasing or extracting of dense energy, restriction, and/or resistance in the energy body, including cord-cutting.
Introduction of specific protocols designed to remove parasitic energies that hijack one’s energy system
Build a Peruvian Ayni Despacho, bringing balance and harmony into all of our relations.
Gain powerful Shamanic Sound healing techniques to assist and amplify your Medicine sessions to the next level.
Participate in a unique Shamanic Sound Healing Journey to activate Mesa.
Experience journeying in circular time: backward, forward, and present time, expanding your understanding of time being spiral or circular vs. linear.
Learn to identify the “dark and intrusive energies of our times” and practice using a specific protocol to address these energies.
PART 2 focus:
Build a Peruvian Kutti Despacho, releasing/integrating the shadow aspects of our lives to promote growth and change.
Develop “tracking skills” on the physical, emotional, and spiritual level.
Learn to access information from the Underworld for the process of Soul Retrieval work with clients.
Use the Death Spiral to help transition Souls.
Open a portal to other Dimensions to assist client work.
Learn to work one-on-one in-person and remotely with clients to promote healing.
Build a map to journey to the Lower and Upper World in order to access information to powerfully assist clients.
Deepen your practice with working with the “dark and intrusive energies of our times”
Work with both visible and invisible worlds with Creator and the energies available to help humanity.
Upcoming 2025 trainings:
Terramuse Wellness Sanctuary
Mechanicsville, IA
June 20th-24th 2025 Part 1:
Oct. 29th-Nov.2nd 2025 Part 2:
(prerequisite Part 1)
(food/lodging not included)
on-site lodging and meals Terramuse Wellness Sanctuary
Rates from $665-$750.
Our vision is to offer high-quality trainings which are affordable, yet sustainable, honoring both students and teachers. These are small groups with limited spacing to provide more individual support.
Contact to receive further information on the Lineages Earth Wisdom School trainings.
Upcoming trainings 2025
Meet the co-founders of Lineages earth wisdom school
Three Trees
Teacher, Musician, Craftsman, Shamanic &
Sound Healing Practitioner & creator of SoulMonic™ Sound Healing // co-founder of Lineages Earth Wisdom School
Three Trees, (a name given during a vision quest over 20yrs. ago and now his legal name) is a Healer, Teacher, Musician, Artist, and Creator of SoulMonic™ Sound Healing. This unique style of sound healing integrates the sacred healing instruments and wisdom from many shamanic and indigenous traditions around the world. Known for his powerful group sound healing journeys, he uses a vast array of instruments, live looping and healing drum rhythms.
Blending sound healing and a Shamanic journey, he alchemizes the ancient and contemporary techniques of vibrational healing, creating a space for a powerful and mystical experience. He is a lifetime musician with over 30yrs a student of the Mystic/Shamanic arts, over 20yrs as a sound healing practitioner and teacher, as well as a craftsman of drums, didgeridoos, and native flutes. Three Trees has a unique and profound understanding of the relationship between sound, rhythm, consciousness, healing energy, and Sacred connection. His joyful passion and Divine service is to share his wisdom and sonic medicine experience through his Sound Healing journeys, workshops/trainings, retreats and speaking engagements. Born and raised in Michigan before living in Sedona AZ for 16yrs, Three Trees now resides in the beautiful Berkshires of Massachusetts. ThreeTreesSedona.com
Peter Bonaker, PhD.
Shaman, Author, Speaker & Shamanic Teacher // co-founder of Lineages Earth Wisdom School
Following a lengthy career in public education, Peter stepped into the Four Winds Society’s ‘Healing the Light Body School’ in 2005. Within two years he became a senior faculty member for the Four Winds Society from 2008 through 2019. It was a quick journey finding that much remembering was taking place along with the learning of shamanic healing techniques. The main classes taught were the ‘Walking with Protection’ and classes through all of the master levels, including the ‘Advanced Shamanic Skills’ class created by him. The over 17 years of practice and teaching have yielded a massive base of experience to bring forth in this new lineage, based in the Incan Healing Arts as its foundation. In July, 2020, Peter published a book entitled Sacred Shield: Shamanic Protection for the World Today / information can be found at: PeterBonakerPhD.com Peter now resides in the Baca Grande area of beautiful Crestone, CO.
“I always look forward with great enthusiasm to the global and universal healing journeys
that lay within the times to come. Please join us in this fresh approach to working at the soul’s level.”
Critical mass of at least 10 participants for in-person attendance of Peter Bonaker. Online Zoom presence otherwise.

“The amount of release I experienced during this training was life altering. I am definitely not the same person after leaving the last training I did there. Forever grateful.”
— Cindy Buchanan,
Yoga instructor, FL
“Truly life-changing!”
— Simon Luthi,
Energy Medicine practitioner, PA
“The amount of unconditional love, trust, growth, strength, experience and introspection that we were encapsulated in while we shed our layers and found our clarity simply can not be put into words. The amount of healing that we ALL were gifted was so sacred! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!”